Sunday, March 28, 2010

Magic Kitten

Jemma Watson had seen the School noticeboard.She felt her heart beat really fast. Audition day had been set for Saturday the 6 May. She had exactly one week to get ready if she wanted to audition. She was terrified at the prospect. Fran Bradshaw a new girl in Jemma's class offered for her and Jemma to practice their routines together after class.When she got home that day she told her mum about the auditions.Her mum immediately encouraged her to take part. Jemma had a baby sister called Poppy who was a happy little girl with a sweet round face and big brown eyes. She also had an eight year old brother who was two years younger than she was. He loved to play football.Fran was an only child and came from a very wealthy family. Fran loved that Jemma had a brother and a sister.On the other hand Jemma's mum was a single parent who had to work just so they could make ends meet.Flame a.k.a Prince Flame was an amazing white lion with very long claws and very sharp teeth.He is a magic kitten that Jemma met after she went to the shop for her mum to get some milk.She took him home and pleads with her mum to keep him so that she can take care of him.He was in danger of his Uncle Ebony who was jealous that Flame would one day take his place on the throne in the magical kingdom where Flame originally came from.